- advantages of cell culture 1: Environmental control
- advantages of cell culture 2: Cellular homogeneity of the different batches
- advatanges of cell culture 3: other factors
- Limitation of cell cultures 1: Phenotypic and genotypic variability
- Limitations of cell culture 2: morphological and functional differences with cells in vivo
2_ layout of the cell culture laboratory and necessary equipment
- laminar-flow hood
- Laminar flow hood: selection and installation.
- Laminar flow hood: working tips
- Water bath: mainteinance and usage protocol to avoid contamination
3_ Aseptic technique
- Decontamination
- aseptic technique SOP
- A guide to cell-lab personal hygiene
- Other tips for sterile handling
4_Culture media
4.1 Phisicochemical properties
4.2 the components of cell culture medium
- The components of the cell culture medium: HEPES
- The components of the cell culture medium: glutamine
- Phenol red
5_ Culture Vessels
6_ Media and reagents
- Media, reagents, and solution preparation
- Preparation of cell culture media
- PBS recipe and preparation
- Protocol: 4% Paraformaldehyde solution in PBS
- Scott’s tap water substitute
- how to calculate the cell seeding density
- In how much volume resuspend the cells to plate them at the desired cell density?
- Cell counting
- Methods to estimate Cell Confluency
9_ Contamination
- Cell culture contamination: main causes
- Contaminated! When you see it by eye
- Contamination: when it is hard to detect – Mycoplasma
- Summary of contamination preventive methods
- Summary of Contamination Containment Methods
- Decontamination
- Eradication of fungus and mold contamination
- Eradication of bacteria contamination
- Eradication of mycoplasma contamination: antibiotics